Advanced GAF Energy Efficient Shingles that Produce Energy + 50 Year Non-Leak Warranty




GAF Energy Shingle
Integrated cells inside the GAF Shingle convert sunlight into Direct Current (DC) Electricity

Converts DC Electricity into the Alternating Current (AC) Electricity, the type of electricity for everyday use

Main Service Panel
AC power is sent through the Main Service Panel and distributed to all the home power outlets and devices

Electric Meter
Records all Energy Shingle Production and is monitored by the Utility Company

Electrical Grid
Excess power not used by the home is stored in the electrical grid and will be credited to the Homeowner

24/7 Monitoring
Smartphone App provides real-time performance of your GAF Energy Shingles


Produce Your Own Power

The sun is reliable, your power should be too.


Hassle-Free Experience

Satisfaction guaranteed or we’ll pay your power bill.*

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Monitoring 24/7

Let us monitor your energy, enjoy your life.



Apply now and leave everything else up to us. Design, permitting, procurement, installation, and permission to operate. Just sit back, and relax.


You maybe eligible for a tax credit while it is still available.


Saving money has never been so easy. Solar energy technology is so efficient you are almost guaranteed to save money.


“We’ve gone solar! Yep, we love it and you’ve got to do it too!”

-Antoinette Younger, Altadena, CA




How do solar panels work?

Solar panels are made of a number of solar cells. These solar cells convert the sun’s energy in to direct current which becomes alternating current used to power your home through an inverter. This energy is considered clean and renewable because it has almost no carbon emissions.

What is net energy metering?

In most states and utilities, many homeowners can take advantage of net energy metering. Basically, the power your system generates gets fed in to the grid where the utility company will give you credits you can use later. If you have a surplus at the end of the year, you maybe able to get paid for over production. However, if you consume more than the system produces it is likely you will have a power bill.

Is solar energy reliable enough to power my home?

The sun rises and sets every day without fail. The sun produces more than enough energy during the day to give you all the power you need, even at night. This is more predictable than power plants which experiences outages routinely.

Will I save money by going solar?

It depends on the homeowner’s energy behavior as well as their solar system size but the average homeowner can see significant savings on their power bill. It is recommended to still be conservative even after going solar to be more energy efficient and maximize savings.

Am I off the grid when I go solar?

Most people do not go off the grid when they add a solar system. It is typically more common to send the excess power the system generates to the utility grid where you will earn credits you can use later.

What do I have to do during the solar installation process?

In todays solar industry, typical homeowners don’t have to do much. All they really have to do is submit easy paperwork and let their installer know what their schedule looks like for installation. Most of the time, the homeowner doesn’t even have to be home for most of the process.