Whole House Fan

Why QuietCool?

QuietCool is the revolutionary whole house fan that has taken America by storm. QuietCool users across America have experienced significant savings when they turn their A/C off and their QuietCool on.

The QuietCool Revolution is being led by people like yourself that are tired of spending all of their hard-earned money on their electric bills. QuietCool whole house fans allow homeowners to turn their most expensive appliance off and improve the comfortability of their home for just pennies an hour.



Save Money

QuietCool whole house fans can save up to 50-90% on your A/C related costs. Instead of paying premium rates for air conditioning, QuietCool helps limit A/C usage to the hottest parts of the day. Anytime it is cooler outside than inside, run your QuietCool system instead!


About as quiet as A/C

The QuietCool whole house fan operates at the sound of a whisper. You can sleep, talk, or watch TV without noise disruption. Many of our QuietCool whole house fans operate around 45-51 dB. Compare that to a traditional whole house fan that can average over 80 dB.


QuietCool Authorized Partner

Keep your attic’s integrity completely intact while installing your QuietCool system in a fraction of the time a traditional whole house fan takes! All units fit 16” or 24” on center which requires no joist cutting in the attic.


Motor Replacement

 Each Trident Pro comes with an industry leading 15-year motor warranty



The QuietCool whole house fan system exchanges the entire volume of air inside your home 15-20 times per hour. This will allow you to breathe fresh air continually, control mold/mildew, and reduce airborne sickness. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that indoor air pollution may be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air, even in major metropolitan smoggy cities.



The QuietCool whole house fan system cools the entire house by up to 30 degrees and the attic by up to 50 degrees. The system will make you feel 10 degrees cooler instantly. The Department of Energy (DOE) reports that whole house fans are the most cost-efficient way to cool your home.




How much energy does a Whole House Fan use?

QuietCool uses up-to 1/15th of the amount of energy an A/C unit uses. QuietCool fans have one of the fastest ROIs of any green energy product on the market today.

Is there any maintenance required on a Whole House Fan?

You only need to clean the High Airflow Grille. The High Air Flow Grille may collect dust over time. If you have a removable grille the middle piece pops right off. If you have a fixed grille you have to take the screws out with a screwdriver. We recommend cleaning your grill every 6 months. It is dishwasher safe or even take outside and hose it off for easy cleaning.

How much noise does a Whole House Fan make?

QuietCool is very quiet! The largest fan size is rated at 54 decibels on high speed.

Will the Whole House Fan affect my blown-in insulation?

No, as long as the system is sized properly and is installed at slight 90-degree angle, the insulation will be fine. We use this technique to prevent any blown-in insulation from moving around. You can always buy a few pieces of batt insulation to put over the blown in insulation.

Can I run a Whole House Fan at night?

Yes, we recommend to run them through the night in order to assist with keeping the home cool longer during the day.

Can a Whole House Fan keep my home healthier?

One of the best-kept secrets about whole house fans is helping prevent sickness during the cold and flue season. During the colder months, a typical homeowner shuts all of the windows and runs their closed-loop heater non stop. By running a whole house fan for 5-10 minutes a day you can help flush out all of the germs and viruses in the home.


Insulating your home is another effective way to make your house more comfortable while saving on your electric bill.